I finished the neckline, armholes and skirt with folding elastic, which I first ironed double, a tip I read on PR, and which makes working with this easier. When pinning neckline and armhole, I stretched the elastic a little bit, to prevent gaping.
Because I didn't want any difficult overlaps with the elastic, I first sewed the shoulders and then attached the elastic to the armholes. Only after this the side seams are closed.
Elastic sewn to armhole, then stitched and serged.
Top of seam handsewn to lay flat, and finished underarm seam.
And this is how the top of the dress looked like after attaching the elastic. You can see that the normal length of the top is too short for me (I alway lengthen patterns 4-5 cm in the waist). I had made the original dress longer, but have added a tie in this dress, so the extra length will be in the tie.
The armhole needed no change, as the pattern is for knits already, the armhole was not wide at all.
Oh Sigrid, I just love that dress! I really like the binding. ravo!