Thursday, December 22, 2016

Burda challenge - organizing

Planning to do the one Burda pattern a month challenge has already resulted in a garment and some organizing. I made a dress from the January 2016 issue for which only the hemming still needs to be done. Should manage that before Christmas, don't you think? 

During the two house moves my magazines had gotten a bit disorganized and I wanted to have them by month together. I took out all that I could find and made a little pile per month. 

Then I counted and while I thought there would be about 50, there are 92! that's only Burda, not Knip mode, Ottobre or Patrones. I have quite a few of those as well. Some issues are well used but it is certainly a good idea to use them more. 


  1. I sewed from all current issues this year and plan to sew at least one a month next year (not necessarily from current issues). I'm wondering if I want to keep it to the month but whatever year. It feels slightly more challenging.


    You have an impressive collection and I can't wait to see what you whip up in 2017!

  2. I think Burda patterns are so timeless. You never want to throw any of them out.

  3. Ach er staat vast in elke Burda wel iets.
    Ik zal ze ook eens gaan sorteren en eens tellen denk dat ik ook zal schrikken van de hoeveelheid die ik heb.

    Weet nog niet of ik mee ga doen heb nog meerdere bladen denk dat ik ze liever zou mixen dus Burda, Ottobre enz.

    Veel plezier en succes.


  4. Corina, er is niet zoiets als een 'burda challenge politie' dus als je zoiets wilt doen doe gewoon mee met je eigen plan. het hoeft ook niet elke maand. het idee is je tijdschriften meer gebruiken. In de VS kennen ze alleen de burda.

  5. I agree with Vicki, Burdas are so timeless that you can probably sew from them into the next decade. Nice collection!

  6. I often wonder what is the best way to sort my Burda magazines, I'm not game to count them but your collection sounds quite impressive. I look forward to seeing what you make from the various issues.

  7. A great idea - I'm up for the challenge. I know which of my many magazines I have sewn from as I separate out the pattern sheets and then keep them in a large envelope marked up to show which month they are, so any magazines completely intact haven't been sewn from. Plenty of sewing to be done.

    1. Lovely yoy are joining. It's the same for me, sheets that are still attached to the magazine are unused issues. I keep the sheets loose in the magazines though.
