Thursday, September 19, 2019

Black beauty bra

I totally forgot I hadn't put a post up on my latest bra. It's the black beauty pattern by Emerald Erin. A bit different by the external "power bar". When seeing the line drawing I had a little doubt, as it looked a bit low on the upper cup. But that's different for my size.

For the size I went with the size 32F at first and made that cup of a remnant and sewed it into a band of a bra that was not good. Then I did the same with the 32FF cup and that promised to be ok. Isn't this a fun look ;)?

I followed the name of the pattern with my choice of fabrics and lace. The lace has been around a long time and somehow I always was reluctant to use it. Good for a trial version of this pattern. 

The pattern has several views and can also be made with foam. I did not use foam (though I might try it at some point). I made the all lace version (view B) and love the result. The instructions are very good. I've followed along, even though I've made many bras before. The only thing that could have been better are the notches/marking of the under cup. An indication of center front and upper/under side would have been good imho. 
The back is different from what I usually make, but after a day of wearing has my approval, the external power bar has a slightly slimming effect (pushing the breasts a bit more inward).

I'm very happy with this bra, there will be more variations (soon  I hope).


  1. This is lovely, Sigrid! I like the bra styles that diminish the "side boob". I bet it provides good support. Another beautiful bra for your lingerie drawer.

  2. The fabric is very distinctive and beautiful. Gorgeous bra.

  3. Erg knap. Ik vind lingerie heel moeilijke.

    1. Oefening baart kunst? Maar ik kan me ook voorstellen dat je denkt "laat maar". Voor mij is een goed zittende bh kopen een nogal dure aangelegenheid. Doe ik af en toe hoor, maar als ik goede zin heb in naaien, dan is een bh snel genoeg gemaakt. Scheelt me dan veel geld.

  4. Gorgeous! Does the lace texture show under clothing?

    1. It might if it's a tight fitting t-shirt for example. Otherwise I don't have problems with showing the texture of my bras.
