Friday, March 15, 2019

Just checking in

Two and a half months in 2019 and no post here. Just checking in now to say that I did not move to another blog (in case you're wondering because that was one of the options I considered end of last year) but life has thrown me a few lemons that can't be turned into lemonade easily.
Personally I'm fine and hope to be back within the sewing community later in the year. For now I keep it to sewing but not taking photos and blogging about it.

See you later!


  1. Breaks are good, Sigrid! Take as much time off as you need. See you whenever you are ready to be back!

  2. I know about lemons. Have had one hanging on my neck (pardon the mixed metaphor) for 2 1/2 years. It will go away in another 9 months or so. Not life threatening but life changing. I admire your ability to stick to your sewing. I just brood. Look forward to seeing what you have been doing when you are ready. You really do beautiful work.

  3. Great to hear from you. I checked on you just yesterday and thought how much I missed your beautifully made garments. Life can definitely tell us what we need to pay attention to and if it's not sewing, well, sew be it. It will come back when the time is right.

  4. Sorry to hear about the lemons. Hope all sorts itself soon. Look forward to when you can post again.

  5. Sorry to hear about difficulties, I hope you are okay.


  6. Glad you're still sewing. We will be happy to see you back here when the time is right. Hope the lemons get resolved soon.

  7. I hope the issues can be resolved sooner rather than later. Breaks are a good thing. I'll be reading when you return

  8. Sorry to hear about the tough times. Hoping sewing will help you deal with it.

  9. I'm just glad to hear from you, Sigrid. Hope you get some sugar for lemonade soon .

  10. We will be here when You are ready. Until then I will look through all the old post including the older bra blog. You have inspired Us with your sewing and charm.
