Sunday, July 5, 2015

Blouse with woven strips of fabric – part 1

When inspired like this I want to continue and despite the heat I started working on the muslin. The main focus point of this design are of course the woven strips at the top, I think it’s difficult to do this right without using a layer to fix them during construction. For the final product I plan to use water soluble fabric (Avalon) for this. In the muslin I opted for a thin fabric that does not add bulk and which I will cut away later. It’s thin and fluid so I starched it. I traced the pattern piece on this “temporary”  pattern piece with carbon tracing paper on both sides. In that way I can see the actual seam lines adding the strips of fabric and in construction.

For the weaving I used fabric strips of different width as in the inspiration piece.


When woven and pinned I turned the pattern piece on the carbon tracing paper again and marked it.


Then I cut away the extra length of the strips.


There is a little room between the strips but not a lot. On to the next part and sewing the muslin together. To be continued…..


  1. oh, this is so interesting. I would never have thought about doing it this way, but know it seems so obvious.
    Geetings from the also hot neigbour Country. I was so reluctant to switch on my iron today, but sewing without pressing is a nogo for me so I stopped sewing...

  2. Thank you for stopping by and commenting. For me it's the ironing as well that makes me not want to sew, the thought of adding warmth is horrible. Cooler now here, very happy about that.

  3. Looking forward to your journey in making this blouse.

  4. Very clever! I look forward to seeing the blouse.

  5. I love the inspiration blouse - it does look like fun sewing.

  6. This is too sweet!
