Monday, December 30, 2013

Intrigueing pattern design video’s

Not claiming to have found this, I just saw a link to these video’s on Pattern Review and thought it worthwhile to share:



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Lots of techniques for (special) pattern drafting. Some look similar to Pattern Magic patterns I have seen. I won’t be making anything like this soon, but think I can learn quite a bit watching a couple of these video’s.


  1. There is a book that includes a DVD, you may be able to find it in some libraries!

  2. Neat! I haven't been on PatternReview for a long long time. Thanks for sharing these videos.

  3. I attended Shingo Sato's online TR Masterclass last year, and it was amazing. He transferred knowledge via video tutorials, and the group members had a limited time to complete each task, or otherwise they would be excluded from the course.
    It was an exciting, mind-blowing and inspiring experience. I really learned a lot from it. I think you can find most of the tutorials on the TR youtube channel. When I first watched the videos I thought the exercises were quite logical and easy going, but the execution proved me wrong. They were time demanding, required precision, perfect sewing technique and an advanced pressing equipment. However, it was the best sewing experience I had had in a long time!
