Saturday, October 11, 2008

Time out

That's what I'm going to take for the moment. I've decided not to blog for at least a month. No special reason, only that I feel very, very worn out by the constant high pressure of work, sleeping badly as a result. Reading a sewing book or magazine doesn't help anymore to relax. Bad sign, as even the fabric collection is giving me guilty feelings: so much fabric and plans, and nothing done (I'm not one for a large fabric stash). No sewing also means not much to blog about!

The only thing I did the previous week, was making a tutorial for the bra in Dutch (for Dutch readers: you can find it when you click on the link "Uitleg (NL bestanden)" on top of the screen). I'll translate that one sometime soon in English.

That's it for now, for those who blog or write pattern reviews: I'll be following along, but probably will not comment a lot (last month I already was a very occasional commenter).

See you next time in a better spirit on my side I hope.


  1. Enjoy your time out.

  2. I completely understand how you feel. Blogging can add a lot more time to an already busy day.

  3. I hear you Sigrid. Take a break and come back fresh.

  4. No problem - it sounds like you really need a break! Enjoy your time off.

  5. Enjoy your time off and hope you feel much better soon.

  6. Hallo,

    Doe maar rustig aan en volg je eigen gevoel!
    Alleen jij kunt weten wat je doen moet om je weer goed te gaan voelen!



  7. Take care of yourself during this break, you know we will always be here when you are ready to return.

  8. From a "lurker" who admires your talents, I hope your blog break leaves you time to re-energize, feel refreshed and invigorated, and full of stash-busting power (oops, sounds like an ad for a cleaning product!) Good wishes, OllieV

  9. Best of wishes - sure hope you come back refreshed and invigorated. I know how stress takes its toll on the body and especially the spirit. I'll miss your posts, but totally understand where you're coming from.

  10. This is completely understandable. I really hope you take some nice long walks, breathe the air and look at the trees.
    I have a little bit of this at the moment myself. Work is almost overwhelming, the sewing slow and scattered, and I'm getting dizzy again. (Which now I'm certain is directly related to stress.)
    We will be here when you return.

  11. Wishing you peace of mind and renewed vitality.

  12. Hopefully you'll come back rested and in full sewing mode. Enjoy the extra time

  13. Take care Sigrid and look after yourself.

  14. I understand you so well... I've been feeling the same way (and buying a lot of fabric while little sewing is done). Maybe I'll just follow your lead after I finish my GCSA coat.

    Have a nice rest and take care, Sigrid.

  15. Sigrid .- do you good. I think we all need these seasons. I currently am doing too many things at once ...... I wish him well and hope his back and his magnificent posts soon. hugs, Paco.

  16. Hope you are feeling better soon and work eases up a bit.

  17. Take your time and recuperate properly! We'll still be here when you're back to being 100%. :)

  18. Enjoy your time away. A break is always for the good :)

  19. Take good care of yourself Sigrid- I understand

  20. Completely understand! Enjoy the breather.

  21. It good to take a break every now and then. Take care.

  22. Take the time you need to build back your energy and sewing "mojo" Sometimes we just have to get everything else in life in order so that we can actually enjoy what we're doing and not be distracted by everything else we could/should be doing. We'll all be here when you're ready to get back online. Hugs.
